how to delete facebook virus posts
People often ask us something on my Facebook wall immoral and foolish kind have beenposted photos and video . With my friends were also automatically tag on this post . Whatever comes my profile , it is all false images seen . The images I nor my friends have posted on their tagged photos . Please tell me how to deal with this problem ?
Our many readers have been experiencing trouble . I understand that if you encounter problems when you prtahy.aul two cases to a friend Facebook account is hacked or be a victim of the virus . Secondly, when the same thing happens with your account . In the first case once you get notification that your friend has tagged you in a photo . Although it does no harm to your account , but the false picture on your Facebook Wall is beginning to show in which you were tagged .
For those that are on your Facebook Wall , would be quite a shock . To avoid this situation, you should from your friends posted on your Facebook wall texts or images modified (review) was not published on the Wall . That should also tagged with pictures . On his way to navigate after login . Settings to access the drop-down list in which there is a link Logout , Settings can be clicked on .
how to delete facebook virus link:
click on the link below
step 2:
Mynbayyn settings or settings, click on the link to the Timeline and Tagging.
Which you can change several settings on the right, will appear.
step 3:
If you want someone on your Facebook wall that I can not post anything Who can post on your timeline? Click on the Edit
step 4:
select Only Me.
step 5:
But if you want your friends to be able to post on the Wall Review posts friends tag you in before they appear on your timeline by clicking on Edit in the select Enabled. If such a friend will be able to post on your wall, but unless you have permission to publish this post on the Wall itself will not, they will not appear on the Wall.