Wikipedia is the source of numerous informative and interesting articles . Read online articles on
Wikipedia as well , there is the option to download them . Any article as a PDF or eBook you can save . If the print is also possible .
Save articles for offline reading is a good thing . Especially in e-book format of articles stored on the tablet, or phone line can be read easily . EBook as any article on Wikipedia left to preserve the option Print / export click.
The available options will appear. Create a book by clicking on the e-book you can start making process .
step 1:
On the next page "Start book creator" button click.
step 2:
Wikipedia article on the e-book while making a number of articles included in the book are the same . Add this page to your book you the option of clicking on the article can be included in the book .
step 3:
Similar to other articles included in the book and then click on any link on the page that opens, click on Add this page to your book . The pages of this book you will see that you will do will be seen at these numbers . An e -book includes several articles on Wikipedia , there are several ways . One way is to take your mouse on a link , a popup will appear Add linked wiki page to your book . Clicking on this page are included in the book .
step 4:
Curry radiator in the book there is also the option Suggest pages . Clicking on it you will be informed of their content and pages related to the following e-book if you can join .
The article with the plus ( + ) button and click it , which is included in the book can be .
Click the plus button to add the page to your list will be added and the name of this place would only be further articles . On this page you will be shown how many articles you have chosen for his book . Click the Show option to proceed .
step 5:
On the next page you can select the name of the book . The chapter also can make all the subjects . In a chapter of his articles can include the following . You made the book would not be a simple book , but it will include the chapters and articles in sequence .
Check before download format book make sure that you want to download the book format . If your goal is to make phone and tablet e-book reading EPUB format so choose .
Then you will click on the download button will start the rendering process .
After rendering the book will be ready for downloading . Book by clicking on the link to download it.
Most e-book reader for smartphones and tablets is already on the Windows e-book reader, you will need to read . ' FB Reader , it is available for free :
how to create a book video:
you can also watch on youtube vedio
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